Analisis de la reforma educativa en los niveles de bàsica ymedia en colombia desde el año 2014 hasta el 2022
Hurtado Alvarez, Josè Àngel
Mancera Castilo, Jhon FredyCitación
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Analyzing the educational reform in Colombia from 2014 to 2022 is a valid monographic exercise, because it allows, from a socio-critical approach that harmonizes with the line of philosophy and education, to integrate the thematic nucleus on the impertinence of public policies with the analysis of a mass of information constituted mainly by the relationship between these policies and educational practices.
This study is considered important, since, within the framework of the line of research on philosophy and education, this work will provide inputs to understand that in regards to formal education in Colombia during the period 2014-2022, the same applies to the continuity of the educational counter-reform that began in the first decade of the 21st century, which actually functions as a mechanism of social and political control, since within the framework of the new capitalist world order, counter-reformism is subject to agreements with corporations international organizations that in order to limit the appearance of social conflicts that generate risks in the accumulation of capital, increase the external debt, guarantee insertion in the markets and the continuity of the supply of raw materials. To do this, they resort to financing the functional improvement of situations that were previously causes of instability in liberal democracies, such as the maintenance of teaching staff and compliance with multilateral agreements on universal enrollment, retention and promotion of students. In such a way, that this work also tries to know why if the educational reforms of the last two decades have been sold as the best, in practice they have not achieved that purpose. According to what has been stated, it is there where the problematic nucleus of this monograph can be found ...