Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 151

      Abastecimiento, Distribución, gestión de la cadena de suministro , centros logísticos [1]
      Abastecimiento, Economía, Bien, Comercialización, Estrategia, Materiales, Servicio [1]
      Abstract. The document aims to analyze the service culture present in the Family Compensation Fund of Córdoba (COMFACOR), in order to promote the optimization of customer service, based on internal factors that influence the way of generating services that they provide to users, in order to meet their expectations. In this way, it is necessary to take into account that it is a set of activities that must be combined in a timely manner to provide the client with the best possible 4 result. Therefore, it is necessary to study notions such as customer service, its characteristics, the culture in the organization, the types and functions, the keys to its development, the objectives of cultural transformation and the methodology to generate a culture of service. As for the technique used for this purpose, it was based on a documentary or bibliographic review through various texts, articles, as well as electronic sources. As initial results of the customer service plan to strengthen the corporate image of the compensation fund, a multichannel strategy and an omnichannel strategy are designed in order to improve the Comfacor user experience. Keywords: service, customer service, organizational culture, service culture, multichannel, omnichannel. [1]
      Academia [1]
      Accesibilidad [1]
      Acceso a mercados [1]
      Accidente de Trabajo [1]
      Acompañamiento Educativo [1]
      Acoso, Conductores, Comportamiento, Matoneo y Transporte [1]
      Acreditación [2]
      Acreditación de programas [1]
      Acreditación, Administración, Educación a distancia, Herramientas digitales, Virtual [1]
      Actividad económica [2]
      Actores [1]
      Actores de la Triada [1]
      Acueducto [1]
      Acueducto Veredal, Bocatoma, Asociación, Comunidad, Calidad del agua, Responsabilidad Social Empresarial, captación. [1]
      Acuerdo, Balanza comercial, Barreras no arancelarias, Cadena productiva, Decrecimiento, Eslabón, Exportaciones, Libre cambio, Producción [1]
      Acuerdos comerciales [1]
      Administacion en la organización [1]