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dc.contributor.advisorQuesada Bonilla, Ivan Giovanni
dc.creatorRodriguez Herrera, Andrea Del Pilar
dc.descriptionAnexo codigo fuente, anexo manual de usuario
dc.description.abstractEl universo y en particular los seres vivos estamos rodeado de sonidos, olores y colores, generando sensaciones y reacciones en los seres humanos; estos estímulos pueden repercutir de forma positiva o negativa en el comportamiento cerebral de las personas. La creatividad al ser un estado mental y emocional, teóricamente puede depender de todo estímulo externo, influyendo las habilidades creativas. Este proyecto tiene como propósito el diseño e implementación de una plataforma Web que facilite la captura de información resultado de la medición de las habilidades creativas vía test de creatividad fundado en J. P GILFORD (1972) P. TORRENCE (1973). Este trabajo de investigación se fundamenta en la metodología Scrum, metodología que permite adaptarse al desarrollo de proyectos de ingeniería especialmente para desarrollo de Software. el desarrollar de la aplicación web posee una capacidad gráfica que permita la simulación de entornos sensoriales, para ello se contó con el proceso de digitalización de desarrollo y presentación de test de habilidades creativa; para el diseño y desarrollo de una plataforma o página web de realidad virtual que permita simular entornos basados en colores cálidos que desarrollen habilidades creativas en estudiantes de pregrado al igual que cualquier tipo de software, requiere de una metodología, estrategias y ciclos de desarrollo. Palabras Claves: Aplicación web, realidad virtual, habilidades creativas, metodología Scrum.
dc.titleDiseño y desarrollo de aplicación web de realidad virtual que permita simular entornos basados en colores cálidos que desarrollen habilidades creativas en estudiantes de pregrado
dc.typeProyecto aplicado
dc.subject.keywordsPalabras Claves: Aplicación web, realidad virtual, habilidades creativas, metodología Scrum.
dc.description.abstractenglishThe universe and in particular living beings are surrounded by sounds, smells and colors, generating sensations and reactions in human beings; These stimuli can have a positive or negative impact on people's brain behavior. Creativity, being a mental and emotional state, can theoretically depend on any external stimulus, influencing creative abilities. The purpose of this project is the design and implementation of a Web platform that facilitates the capture of information resulting from the measurement of creative abilities via a creativity test founded on J. P GILFORD (1972) P. TORRENCE (1973). This research work is based on the Scrum methodology, a methodology that allows adapting to the development of engineering projects, especially for Software development. the development of the web application has a graphic capacity that allows the simulation of sensory environments, for this the process of digitalization of development and presentation of creative skills test was used; for the design and development of a virtual reality platform or web page that allows simulating environments based on warm colors that develop creative abilities in undergraduate students, like any type of software, requires a methodology, strategies and development cycles. Keywords: Web application, virtual reality, creative skills, Scrum methodology  The universe and in particular living beings are surrounded by sounds, smells and colors, generating sensations and reactions in human beings; These stimuli can have a positive or negative impact on people's brain behavior. Creativity, being a mental and emotional state, can theoretically depend on any external stimulus, influencing creative abilities. The purpose of this project is the design and implementation of a Web platform that facilitates the capture of information resulting from the measurement of creative abilities via a creativity test founded on J. P GILFORD (1972) P. TORRENCE (1973). This research work is based on the Scrum methodology, a methodology that allows adapting to the development of engineering projects, especially for Software development. the development of the web application has a graphic capacity that allows the simulation of sensory environments, for this the process of digitalization of development and presentation of creative skills test was used; for the design and development of a virtual reality platform or web page that allows simulating environments based on warm colors that develop creative abilities in undergraduate students, like any type of software, requires a methodology, strategies and development cycles. Keywords: Web application, virtual reality, creative skills, Scrum methodology 
dc.subject.categoryDesarrollo web, teoria de color , aplicaciones web ,creatividad

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